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Terms of Use

All users of this website shall agree to and be bound by the Terms of Use described here.

This website is a venue for disseminating information provided by others. This site is owned and operated by Deep Dirt Farm LLC. Neither Deep Dirt Farm LLC, nor its members, owners, employees, nor agents (hereinafter collectively "DDF") have any control over any farm, ranch, or other entity which may be listed on this site (hereinafter "advertiser") other than the farm actually owned and operated by Deep Dirt Farm LLC.

Properties of the advertisers listed on this site may contain hazardous conditions, and their activities may be conducted negligently or recklessly so as to put visitors at risk of harm, injury, or death. DDF has not determined what dangers any advertiser might pose to a visitor and has no obligation to ascertain whether an advertiser is operating dangerously nor to warn of any hazardous condition. Advertisers may be located in areas with unsafe roads or other hazards which conditions are unknown to DDF. Those who use this site agree that DDF may not be held liable for any harm, injury, or death resulting from use of this site or a visit to an advertiser.

All visitors to any advertiser shall personally determine whether conditions or activities at and around the advertiser's property present hazards. If the visitor is uncertain whether a condition or activity is hazardous, that visitor shall direct inquiries to the responsible person at the advertiser's property.

DDF has no responsibility to verify the accuracy of any information submitted by an advertiser nor to ascertain whether any listed activity would be of interest to or suitable for a visitor. Users should make independent inquiries regarding these issues.

DDF may reject any request for a listing on this site, and may remove a listing at any time and without prior notice and for any reason. If a listing is removed the advertiser will be entitled to a pro-rated refund of any amount paid for the unused term of the listing. DDF may require any information that is submitted for publication to be revised prior to publication. DDF may determine the categories in which listings will be displayed.

Advertisers shall ensure that all information submitted is accurate, and the advertiser must own the copyrights on all images and text submitted for publication. If information changes, the advertiser shall inform DDF promptly. Any advertiser who will no longer offer public tours shall immediately notify DDF to cancel their listing.

In the event of litigation arising out of the operation of this website, or any information published hereon, the Hawaii State courts located in the County of Hawaii shall have sole and exclusive jurisdiction over the persons and subject matter. Damages may not be awarded in an amount more than $100.00 or the amount plaintiff paid to DDF in the twelve months prior to any event giving rise to the cause of action, whichever amount is greater.

Effective 05/07/2017